Tip of the Week: Simple and Consistent Technique and Fundamentals

Tip of the Week: Simple and Consistent Technique and Fundamentals

  I have stated many times that if there were one way to do anything in tennis, all of the players would look the same. They do not. For instance, many of the players who have great forehands look very different when hitting their shots. Closed stance, open stance, western, semi-western, or eastern grips, follow…

Tip of the Week: Make a Directional Adjustment to Prevent Repetitive Errors

Tip of the Week: Make a Directional Adjustment to Prevent Repetitive Errors

  It is so important to understand how your mind and body work together when you are playing a match. If you can remind yourself of something that will help your body correct the mistake that just happened, you will avoid making the same errors over and over again. My advice is to adjust where…