Still Tennis For Us



The outlook held fear
that the US Open would close this year
before its first day
Flushing’s jewel flushed away

But even as the City’s marathon vanished,
news reports say New York tennis
still will be played in late summer 2020,
just with new restrictions – and the stands empty


’19 saw 19-year-old Bianca best Serena,
while Nadal held off Medvedev in set five
Now the tournament itself resists being broken by an invisible foe,
having decided not to cancel, at the fork in the road


Broadway shows are closed, but there will be scenes –
drama culminating in champions’ crowning –
at the King center in Queens,
home to the royal courts of Arthur and Louis


Months ago, space here served the cause of pandemic relief
This upcoming August and September,
the racquet is the scepter,
as the venue returns to its sports purpose, with prize purses


Yet with the grounds closed to the public, tennis will be different
No late-night cheers by devoted fans – the hard-core
No raucous underdogs’ rallies on the hard courts
No bows to the crowd in ovation-filled trophy moments, heartfelt


And amidst much controversy, some may even decline to play
Still the news resounded loudly that, with Wimbledon gone,
the virus hasn’t yet slammed shut NY’s Grand Slam event,
which, for now, remains open to be contested this year
     albeit quietly and seen only on TV



March/April 2024 Digital Edition